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Tori performed in Geneva, Switzerland on Monday, February 3, 2003 at Arena Geneva. The opening act was Howie Day.
Set List
Special thanks to Richard Galbraith and Matt Page for phoning me with the set list!
Wampum Prayer
a sorta fairytale
Sweet Sangria
Cornflake Girl
Mrs. Jesus
Band leaves
Silent All These Years
Band returns
Take To The Sky
I Can't See New York
1st Encore
Taxi Ride
Past The Mission
2nd Encore
Tear In Your Hand
The latest reviews are at the bottom of this page. For more reviews, please check out the Dent's Tour Reviews Forum. (I will eventually move the forum reviews to this web page as well.) Please post your own review if you were at this show!
From Matt Page and Richard Galbraith:
Tori was well-rested, happy and full of energy tonight. It was an excellent show. She was wearing a beautiful white gown-like outfit. The meet & greet earlier that day was amazing. They asked for Butterfly at the meet & greet and got it! Toward the end of the show someone attempted to jump on stage but that was quickly dealt with as always by Tori's alert security guys.
From Gilles Burnand:
Geneva... february 3... the earth stopped rotating between 9.30 and 11.30... i had been waiting for this moment for so many years (I had never been able to see tori before...) and it was, i think, one of the best night of my life!
unfortunaetly the evening began with a HUGE frustration, i hadn't been able to come for the meet & greet and I learnd that there had been only 10 fans... i almost died when i heard that... hope i'll get another chance in the future....
howie day was definitely cute I especially liked the way he stopped singing in the middle of the songs... made me think of "mulholland drive"! But i didn't enjoy it that much as my heart was beating faster and faster...
tori arrived a little late (but she did a little impro for us to forgive her.... it was so sweet!) i know it might sound stupid but, all dressed in white, I thought she looked an angel! She was obviously in a good mood, and enjoyed herself a lot.
here is my top ten of the song she performed:
i had been a little dissapointed by "a sorta fairy tale" so I was very pleased to hear it... this version was really explosive (tori looked really "erotic" during the chorus) and the last part hypnotised me...
i knew that this version was weird and it took me a little while to recognized it (when she sang "every finger in the room..." everybody screamed) i especially liked the percussions, sounded like a "choirgirl"'s song
an amazing performance of this song... I enjoyed it so much because it was the last one, i tried to "freeze that frame" so that i could take a little bit of her with me.I even burst into tears and screamed "no" when when sang "it's time to wave goodbye"
i really looked forward to hearing iieee and i wasn't dissapointed at all. the lyrics sounded mesmerizing in the golden lights of the venue... a great performance of one of Tori's best song...
I had never heard it before but i definitly love it!! She sang it with sweet passion during the solo, i'm going to buy "higher learning" soundtrack very soon!
the revelation of the evening! it had never been one of my favourite (I even skip it very often) but it sounded marvellous tonight... you could really feel the lyrics in the way she turned them into gold (i almost cried) maybe I enjoyed it so much because it was the first "calm" song of the evening. i wasn't that happy with the drums at the beginning.
something happend to me during this song. the first part of the gig was excellent but it litteraly became magical after this. Tori's voice couldn't be more emotional and it merged with my soul for the rest of the evening.
This song was fabulous (i thought i was dreaming) the rythem on the album is nice but when the song is played only with the piano it reaches a higher level. I could have fainted when she sang "first let's just unzip your religion down"
my favourite song on scarlet... one that really shows that tori's a poet. tonight's version wasn't particularly origial, though the piano lightened it a lot... nevertheless words cannot describe what I felt... i could have listened to it forever.
i was SO pleased to hear it tonight as my friends had never heard it before. The audience woke up a little bit by clapping their hands (swiss people are usually quite sleepy...) and you could see that tori enjoyed herself a lot. IT ROCKED!! I tried to dance and sing along like a madman (hope I didn't disturb everybody) I nerver understood why she didn't make a single out of this song!
Of course the show was much too short for me and i wish i had the money to follow Tori a little while on her path...
From Eric Bakhch-Pour:
Where to begin???
This was my first tori concert. I actually live in Geneva, and that was an awesome surprise to see her here!!! The concert was incredible. I've nothing special to add, except that I had heard of the meet and greet, but I thought it was some kind of a rumor... I stayed home like a fool!!!!!!!! I'm so frustrated...
Anyway, I must admit that I was a little disappointed of the live version of "Crucify". For me, the show highlights were "IIEEE" and "TAKE TO THE SKY". I knew this song, but no one here in switzerland even knew it existed. Anyway, everybody started clapping their hands!!! It was beuatiful!
From Carlo Pensa:
Who said that no one here in Switzerland knows the song "Take to the sky"? ...
It was a great surprise to me when a date in my hometown Geneva was added to the tour. I already had a ticket for the Berlin concert (I couldn't miss her venue in Europe!) when the news came out that she was performing in Switzerland, so I had the chance to see two concerts.
The Geneva performance was better than the Berlin one in my opinion. It started in a very dark way. The rendition of Sugar was very intense and powerful. She surprisingly slavered a lot, which made her look wild. Then, before Sweet Sangria, she made a short impro on Switzerland and its "chocolat". It was very funny and much appreciated by the audience. She then looked so to say happier till the end of the show. All the songs until the Roadside Café part were perfect. A special mention to Cornflake Girl, which made the public react strongly (that's a hit!). Mrs. Jesus and Wednesday were really cool. They sounded excellent being played live (when she gets to the verse "the Eagle has to land", it sounds just perfect: just one note floating in the air... nothing extraordinary, but she does it extraordinarily). The version of Crucify was surprising. I saw it has been played in other set and hoped to hear it. But it was a little bit too dreamy and not exactly what I expected.
Before starting with the solo section, she addressed to a guy in the front row and asked him about his broken arm. She said she noticed him and was curious to know what happened to him. She then improvised something about it ("you went shopping and had to many bags&Mac183; oh sweetie!"). Really, really funny!
The Roadside part started with the rendition of Silent All This Years. Very quiet and deeply moving. Crazy and Butterfly (where does that latter song come from??) were very good too, but I have to admit that the solo section in Berlin was far better. Smells Like Teen Spirit and The Donught Song (one of my favorite song!) were simply incredible. Very deep and intense. I hoped to feel the same way in Geneva, but the songs were different and not as appealing to me.
I saw her in Brussels during the Strange Little Girls tour and was a little bit disappointed by the performance. After that concert, I thought that she'd sound better with a band (like in the From Venus And Back album). But now, I must say that the solo sections were the highlights in Berlin and Geneva and that, all by herself, she's fantastic. So much emotion and energy emanated from her, I was overwhelmed.
The second part was great. Oddly enough, one of the best songs was Take To The Sky, which is a song that I don't like much. The way she played it was fantastic. Great, great energy. The Geneva version was longer than the Berlin one. Besides, the public reacted stronger and clapped hands (Germans, are you sleeping or what??). The feeling was impressive. It's also been the second time that I heard I Can't See New York played live and I think I liked the second better than the first one. I may get used to hear it played live. It's my favorite on the album, so my expectations were pretty high. I also had the impression she was more into it in Geneva than in Berlin. Playing on two different keyboards at the same time makes it even more interesting to see , not only to hear it.
At the end of the show, a weirdo tried to jump on the stage but was very quickly pushed back. She saw it with an odd look on her face...
Something that tells me it was a great concert is that I never had to look at my watch or hope for a song to finish quickly. Time just flew away. Her music, her singing, her dancing (the way she moved looking at her musician), her tics (very interesting to look at her hands while she plays!) and her glances to the audience, all made it an amazing concert!