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Tori performed in Assago (Milan), Italy on Tuesday, January 28, 2003 at the Palazzetto dello Sport Filaforum. The opening act was Howie Day.
Set List
Special thanks to Matt Page for once again phoning me with the set list!
Wampum Prayer
a sorta fairytale
Cornflake Girl
Don't Make Me Come To Vegas
Northern Lad
Black-Dove (January)
Band leaves
Cloud On My Tongue
Cool On Your Island
Band returns
Sweet Sangria
Precious Things
Take To The Sky
I Can't See New York
1st Encore
Taxi Ride
Past The Mission
2nd Encore
Tear In Your Hand
The latest reviews are at the bottom of this page. For more reviews, please check out the Dent's Tour Reviews Forum. (I will eventually move the forum reviews to this web page as well.) Please post your own review if you were at this show!
From Matt Page and Christine:
Matt said the show was good, but it was hard to rave about the show after experiencing Florence the day before. The arena was huge, but the sounds was good. There were a surpisingly large number of people openly taking photos during the show. After Crucify, Tori introduced the band and told the audience that she was leaving Italy, but leaving a piece of her heart there. Tori began Cloud On My Tongue, but then stopped it and began singing an improv about her Roadside Cafe sign. ("I have a little sign...") Then she started Cloud On My Tongue again.
From Gianni Spigno:
I have seen Tori several times over the past years: the first time in Milano in 1994, then again in Milano in 1996 (piano and harpsichord and Caton, still my favourite concert!), London 1998, again Milano 2001 and Los Angeles (my first US show) last December 2002. so this was amazingly my 6th show! She's the artist I have seen performing more in my life!
And she's changed all the time: the only disappointing thing about the LA concert was that the quality of the sound at the Universal Amphitheatre was really bad. great experience, nice set list, but the piano was most of the time hidden by drums and bass. anyway.
Milano last night's set list has been posted already. what I want to say is that as I had seen Tori so recently I was not sure I would go, even though the concert was about at one hour drive from where I live. and I am so glad I went! I think she gave one of her best performance amongst those I have seen! She looked pretty happy, and I think that from Cornflake Girl on she gradually improved more and more her mood, she looked in very high spirits. yes, sort of high if you know what I mean.
After the encores, she thanked the audience in a very sweet way and mouthed the words "I love you", and I never saw her doing this before.
I was there with a friend, Raffaella, who loved Tori whom I introduced to Tori when we used to work together. I think she was rather thrilled, and we had a great time together!
PS: I was so surprised that such a limited number of people in the audience recognised, during the Road Cafe songs, "COOL ON YOUR ISLAND" performed on the wurlizter... it was such a sweet rendition of this song... but I understand it may not have had the same impact it has on an American audience...
From stefano malacrida:
Not so good, in my opinion, the concert (Assago arena), yesterday night.
I think that the technicians responsible of the sound has undervalued their job yesterday night.
No problem for Wampum Prayer but when the band started to play the first song (a sorta fairytale) it has been very apparent that the sound was very bad.
Something has improved during the concert but I think that it has been not so professional job!!!
Tory wonderful voice but: she didn't talk with the public: why?
From Silvia Buriani:
This was a good show, but coming from Florence it seemed a little flat. Milan was Tori standard, Florence was Tori super.
The best thing was the meet and greet cause she had more time and seemed really interested in talking with us.
She took some pics with me I thanked her for the show in Florence saying that there was so much energy I couldn't believe. She thanked us cause she said we were amazing. She looked at me with eyes I'll never forget. I thanked her again and again.
During the sound check she played A sorta fairytale, the waitress, concertina, little earthquakes, strange, don't make me come to Vegas, Sugar and caught a lite snneze. She tried to start spark many times (cause a friend of mine requested it at the meet and greet) but she didn't succeed.
The highlights of the show were in my humble opinion, Sugar, cornflake girl, Northern lad, sweet sangria, precious things, I can't see new york and talula.
She didn't talk much. She only said they were leaving italy that night but that a part of their heart will stay forever with us.
She did 2 improv one before cloud on my tongue (where's my little sign) and the other before crazy.
She waves at us with her hands during the part maybe it's time to wave goodbye now in tear in your hand and that was really cute.
Then at the end of the second encore she fondled her bosey as saying you did a good job.
The worst part was before the show when many people found themselves with a ticket in their hands with the same row and number seat (like 4 persons have the same tickets). That was not an happy moment to see. I personally balme TICKET ONE for it. They 'll get lot of angry mails soon, that is not a good way to organize a concert- tickets selling.
The Filaforum was huge, the acustic was not perfect and the place smelled of sewer untill Tori's crew began to burn perfumed oils as she did also in Florence and know she's doing everywhere on this tour.
At the end of the concert a guy from her crew just saw me and gave me the set list printed... I couldn't believe how lucky I were...