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Tori performed in Oberhausen, Germany on Tuesday, January 21, 2003 at König-Pilsener-Arena . The opening act was Howie Day.
Set List
Thanks to Matt Page who called me via cell phone after the show! Thanks also to Arjan for being the first to email me with the set list.
Wampum Prayer
a sorta fairytale
Little Earthquakes
Caught A Lite Sneeze
Mrs. Jesus
Take To The Sky
Black-Dove (January)
Band leaves
Band returns
Playboy Mommy
Cornflake Girl
Liquid Diamonds
The Waitress
I Can't See New York
1st Encore
Taxi Ride Tear In Your Hand
2nd Encore
Bliss Hey Jupiter
The latest reviews are at the bottom of this page. For more reviews, please check out the Dent's Tour Reviews Forum. (I will eventually move the forum reviews to this web page as well.) Please post your own review if you were at this show!
From Matt Page:
Matt said the show tonight was a "big rock show" and was great. He said this was the first time he thinks that Tori has not played Sweet Sangria during this tour. There were a lot of songs from Choirgirl tonight. Tori followed her written set list almost exactly, but was supposed to play Space Dog instead of Bliss.
From Chris:
I just wanted to let you know the set list for tonight's show in Oberhausen, but you already published that one. Anyway, it was a great show, with a big number of Choirgirl songs, including my favorite "Playboy Mommy". Her best performance tonight was "Take to the sky", which was just awesome! I loved it. Another classic and excellent performance was "i i e e e" which really rocked the house! I kinda expected songs like "Cooling" or "Sugar" in the solo-section of the concert, but instead she played "Carbon" which actually is not one of my favorites. It was okay, but I missed some of my classic faves, anyway.
The encore was fab with "Taxi Ride" and "Tear in your hand" going first. Both ones were just lovely and amazing. Though I don't really call "Bliss" my absolutely favorite, it today surprised me with a great live-performance. "Hey jupiter" finished the amazing show, which was, in my opinion, far better than the last show in November 2001 in Oberhausen. I just love the whole band-thing! It rocked the house and that's the way it is!
From Christine Abraham:
Just got back from the Oberhausen show. Matt Page is right, Tori rocked tonight!! I was surprised to hear so many Choirgirls!
She didn't talk much, only when she introduced Matt and Jon. She said something to the effect of "It hasn't been that long since we last played here (in Oberhausen) but something yummy has happened. 2 of my favourite people are with me on stage."
When Jon did the intro to Cornflake Girl, I think he played a wrong note and Tori smiled really big. It was cute.
River was so beautiful and powerful, I love the way she stresses the word "peace" during this tour.
I wish I could tell you more details, it's just that I'm so impressed with everything.
I took two friends with me who hadn't been to a Tori show before and they loved it! 2 more converts.. yeah!! :-)
From hali:
what an amazing show! i could hardly stay on my seat, the concert was definitively rocking!!!
it was the first time i saw tori with the band on this tour and ever and i was knocked off my feet. she was so sweet, making little passionate dances onstage....she wore a light blue dress, jeans and light brown suede boots.
umm i took a looot of photos hehe since i was sitting in the front row just in front of her. she played many songs off the choirgirl hotel as you can see in the setlist above and i especially loved 'hotel'.
i was blown away when she started playing 'caught a lite sneeze' cause thats the song that made me love tori around 7 years ago and overall she played a lot more of my faves than in 2001 (winter, cornflake girl, bliss, hey jupiter).
it was awesome and i'm soooo happy i'll see her again, 4 more shows to go for me, eases the pain of 'things changeing so fast' and tori shows ending so soon.
From mara:
I've been to the Oberhausen Concert too, and it was really a cool show ! Tori was awesome !
She wore a blouse-like light blue dress, under it a skin coloured tank top and jeans that ended at her knees and extremly high-healed light brown leather cowboy boots. When she came on stage I was surprised she was able to walk in those boots... ;)
She seemed in a good mood, although she didn't talk much to the audience. But she danced a lot towards Jon and when she came back on stage for the encores.
"Take to the Sky" was absolutely rock'n'roll and "River" was so powerful and touching - I was in tears - my favourite of the show !
Also she did an intro to one of the songs in the first part that I didn't recognise, but maybe somebody else can help with that.. unfortunately I can't remember the lyrics :( sorry.
From Arjan Welles, Netherlands:
I attended the Oberhausen show tonight and I can confirm she was supposed to play Space Dog in stead of Bliss. I got an original setlist from one of the sound engineers...
I also noticed there was at least one TV camera present. Before the show it was filming the people getting in the arena and during the show it was - I think - in the hall filming Tori.
She started Mrs. Jesus with an improv... and before the first encore she group- hugged Jon and Matt (which I haven't seen her do on previous shows)...
From timmie:
this was truely the very best tori-show i've seen. other people have already said that it was really rocky, and it's true. and while back in 98 i thought the drums were much too noisy and disrupted tori's beautiful music, this time the sound was as georgeous as it could have been and i was damn happy that tori wasn't too much in the soothing mood.
wampum prayer - started right away, before you had even noticed that the lights were out. don't think the song is anything special, but just knowing that this was the start of the concert made it beautiful
fairytale - great. i had wondered how this rather slow song was supposed to sound "groovy and rhythmic" as was said earlier on the net. but it really did.
earthquakes - wow, first favorite of the night. me and my friend both said that already after this powerful and bombastic version of one of our favorite songs would have been worth the long way to oberhausen already
pancake - no favorite of mine, but still awesome. on all the songs which i didn't like too much for the song itself i could enjoy the sound even more, so each song was a pleasure. and tori looked so cool standing on the keyboards, one leg on the stool in her weird linen-wrap-something
caught a lite sneeze - favorite number two, couldn't believe hearing the drum-intro. thank you tori. but "didn't know our love was so small" gave me the feeling my ex-girlfriend, who i hurt awefully bad, wsa singing to me. had a hard time holding the tears back
mrs jesus - tori did a beautiful improv before this one, was so cute how she waved at the boys like a little girl saying "no daddy, look at me!". improv was something like "you know what you know, but you don't know" (first i thought this was gonna be riot poof) "i'll take you home" (then i thought it was 1000 oceans) i had so hoped for mrs. jesus, since it's my very favorite of sw along with carbon, and it was so beautiful
take to the sky - the studio version i don't like too much because i think it's too staccato, no real melody, not as rocky as it should be. but now this live version rocked the house! could hardly keep myself on the seat or from singing along
black-dove - first song i had heard live before. i think this one was more powerful on the plugged tour
wednesday - awesome! i love the studio version because it's so jumpy, but now with matt doing his crazy drum-solos it's even cooler. and tori 's voice was so damn beautiful on the slower parts
river - oh my god. joni mitchell is probably my second favorite musician these days, and i had secretly hoped tori would do a cover of one of her beautiful songs. and now river - jesus, how could tori know about my girlfriend and me??? it was almost a bit scary, but such a treat.
carbon - hey, what did i say about favorites at this concert? my friend and i had declared carbon the best song of sw before the concert, and i knew how seldom she had played this one on this tour. at this point i was just flowing in her voice and her wonderful piano-playing
winter - this is probably the only song, that is so beautiful on the album, that it can't be topped by tori's live-performance. but it was still amazing.
playboy mommy - tori's played this at every concert i've been to so far. none of my facorites
cornflake girl - boy, what a rock-performance! thought i'd been sick of this one, but seeing her dancing with bösi and just proving her piano-devinity was amazing. very powerful
hotel - yes! i had hoped for this one, coz of all the things people had said about this live version before. it rocked!
liquid diamonds - seemed like tori had stayed at the choirgirl hotel overnight. again one of these songs that mad me enjoy the sound :-)
waitress - rocked!
new york - i don't know. this song tries to be an epos like anastasia, but it's not. and i thought it could be when it's played live. but i don't know. and i knew that it was the second to last song... so..
iieee - wow, truely hadn't expected this one. wonderful
taxi ride - we rushed up to the stage, but sadly noticed that the sound was much worse up there, because the drums were now much louder and tori's voice came out of the speakers which were now at the side of us. but it was so cool how tori came back on stage to the intro of matt and john, doing weird moves on her high heel boots
tear in your hand - thank you, tori. with this song she finished the list of songs that i've always wanted to hear her do live. i guess now i don't HAVE to go to any of her concerts anymore... but i definately will!!!
bliss- what a party-song. i danced at a tori-show!!!
hey jupiter - oh, i had forgotten one song on the list. thanks for remembering, tori!
so, all in all it was a pretty nice day! thank you tori for such an amazing night, with perfect sound, lighting, setlist, voice... everything!
From The FAZ (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)
From the Rheinische Post