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Tori's performed in Atlanta, GA on Sunday, November 10, 2002 at the Atlanta Civic Center Theatre. The show started at 7:30PM and Howie Day was the opening act.
Set List
Wampum Prayer
a sorta fairytale Sugar Little Amsterdam Concertina Pancake Caught A Lite Sneeze Mrs. Jesus
Band leaves
Not The Red Baron Famous Blue Raincoat
Band returns
Strange Bliss Scarlet's Walk Tear In Your Hand Take To The Sky
I Can't See New York
Spring Haze
1st Encore
Leather (solo) Lust Sweet Sangria
2nd Encore
In The Springtime Of His Voodoo
Hey Jupiter
For more reviews, please check out the Dent's Tour Reviews Forum.
From Mikewhy:
The show tonight began at 8:48PM and ended at 11:02, so it was 2 hours and 14 minutes. At 25 songs, it was a little shorter than the first two in Florida, but not that shorter. I think most Toriphiles can safely assume they will see a 2 hour 15 minute show during most of this tour! Tori's energy level was down tonight compared with her shows in Florida. I know that the drive from Melbourne to Atlanta can be an exhausting one... I know I was tired. Tori did the meet and greet before soundcheck after 5:00PM, so she did arrive at the venue later than usual.
Before Sugar, Tori talked to us saying hello and that she always enjoys coming to Atlanta where Scarlet's seed began, or something to that effect. She then introduced her brothers on stage (which she did in Tampa but not Melbourne) and then launched into Sugar but stopped it almost immediately telling the tech guys on the side that her "light was not up." Then a guy runs out and starts messing with one of the monitors in front of Tori. Tori tells us that his name is Benny and that they are having "a bit of a moment." Then she tells the guys in the audience that she knows how they feel because she can not get her light up. This leads into an incredible improv that the band joins her with, where she sings about coming from Melbourne and about being up all night with the baby, who wanted to go home. This would also reveal why Tori had a lower energy level. But it was amazing to see her create this song spontaneously in her head and then watch the band join her. It is testimony to how well they work with her that they can do that!
Tori stilll gave a wonderful performance despite being tired. Her voice was strong and the band was great. The accoustics in this venue were incredible. It was the best sound I have ever experienced at a Tori show. Amanda and I were once again in the front row of the balcony. I really took the time to look at the various lights used during the show and found it all to be really well done. During Not The Red Baron, they had what looked like large propellers slowly spinning in the background, which was highly effective.
Before her solo songs, she put lipgloss on and told us that she had been dying for lipgloss during the last 2 songs.
This was the first time on tour that she did Little Amsterdam, Scarlet's Walk, and all the solo songs. The set list continues to vary a little more than I thought it would with the band, and that is wonderful. Overall, I would say it was a solid show that I was glad to experience. And once again it was so wonderful to meet so many readers of the Dent who came up to me to say hello before and after the show. Thank you for doing that and for being so supportive!
From Rachel D:
As usual, the concert was wonderful! I was really impressed that she played for such a long time; she must have a lot of energy for this tour. I really enjoyed all the songs she played (I don't have a complete list this at time), but I noticed that she didn't play anything from Under the Pink, from the choirgirl hotel, or Strange Little Girls. I was a little disappointed by this, but still it was an amazing show.
As an interesting side note, the house music was by a band called Sigur Ros (<http://www.sigur-ros.com>www.sigur-ros.com), check them out, they are wonderful; I just saw them this past Wednesday. After the show, I got a chance to talk to Mark Hawley, and he said Matt Chamberlain chose the house music. Mark was very nice and friendly and we told him to tell Tori it was a great show. That's about all, sorry for all of the spelling and grammar errors, but I wanted to get it all down before I forgot.
From toriMODE/ Ron:
From Birmingham to Atlanta, I made my Scarlet's Drive with my boyfriend Jon and my bestfriend Kelly. This was Jon's first Tori show, and Kelly has been to every Tori show that I've been to, so it was great company to have on the path through the violets.
We arrived at the Atlanta Civic Center at 1:30, and there was already a good size group of EWF on the sidewalk vegging out. We sat in my car and finished listening to Scarlet's Walk, and just people watched. Little did I realize that Freakosuave was in the car in front of mine.
Finally after SW finished in my cd player, Kelly and I went to the group to hopefully recognize some people. I recognized the annoying ticket # giver--Jason. We finally went to get our # (56 & 57), and sat back down. A girl sat next to me, and she kept looking over. She asked if I was from North Carolina, and I told her no, but then asked her who she was looking for, and she said Freako. So I was like, well he's in that red car over there, so she went to visit him, and I waved at him when he looked over, but no wave back *frowns*
At about 2:15 or so, everyone starting getting up and heading over to the barricades that were lined up wide between two far walls. We were about 3 people deep. We saw pianoguy/Luke, and motioned him over. Met him and he was really kewl, just like how he is online...glad I finally met him. Also met Lisa from Florida (that tattoo artist). She was awesome, and I got a great hug from her...and got to hear about the past two night's shows from her. She made me really excited about seeing Tori in concert.
Finally around 3 or 4, they moved the barricades, and organization was not so. They kept telling us to move back. We did, and they'd tell us to move back some more. I didn't really realize how the barricades were set up, in the front, so I couldn't tell that Tori wouldn't make it back to where I was. I saw Steve Sanchez, and he was talking about how he would get this person's gift to Tori for sure, so then I was like "hey Steve"...but he didn't look, but handed my letter and poetry to Evan/ AOLHater (thank you!) and he passed it up to Steve to give to Tori. I was relieved then, that I got that to Tori.
Standing and waiting behind the barricades really sucked, but I was able to talk with some really cool EWF for the long ass time I waited there. I saw Mikewhy for the first time across the street talking to Jason, but didn't get to talk to him. By 4:30, everyone was getting really impatient and starting leaving the barricade area, and gave up. After I got my letter & poetry passed up, I realized I wouldn't meet Tori, so I went across the street, and talked with Jon for a bit. Then I turned around and heard my name called, and it was Red Baron/Michael. I met him and he was really really nice. He introduced me to SpacePerson and Bottled Erotica. I saw some friends from my New Orleans 2001 show, that I met there (Adam and Allen), and after the M&G was over, we all went to the Spaghetti Factory (about 15 of us), and ate there. I knew we were going to be late for the opening act--Howie Day but I didn't really care, cuz I just wanted to see Tori Amos.
We got to the Atlanta Civic Center at 7:40 p.m. and walked across the street from the parking lot to the venue, and heard my name shouted..and it was Melanie and NikkiB!!! I have been waiting a long time to finally meet them. I also met Angell, and a few others! It was great! I wish I could have spent more time socializing with everyone, but I had to rush inside and get my t-shirt/poster/program before Tori came on stage. We went in, and got in line to buy merchandise. I saw my friends from Auburn, who are always at the Tori shows--Jared and Corey. Talked with them for a good bit. Jon went to our seats to watch Howie Day (He loved the U2 cover-ing). We finally got our things, and went to our seats in the dark. I really liked our seats...we had a good view of everything, and I think that was a great venue for Tori to perform at.
At intermission, I went to get something to drink. I heard the security guys say that if you aren't inside the concert hall before the close the doors, then you just miss out. So I was kinda in a hurry to get my drinks, and get back in. I met Nikki and Mel in line for wine....when I went out there....so I got another hug, and talked with them a bit. I was just telling them how weird it felt to finally meet them. I've seen pics of them from when they'd meet Tori in the past..I've conversed with them for 3 years...and it's just been too long and to finally meet them was great. I wish I could have hung out with them longer. I got my red wine for Jon and I, and then went back to my seat. We sat there, and drank a little, and then not too long afterwards, the Leaf-Face appeared in lights on the backdrop, and we hear Tori's acapella Wampum Prayer.
Wampum prayer
This song is indeed the Beauty Queen of Scarlet's Walk. A nice opener. Everyone was extra quiet when she started singing this off stage. It was really beautiful. Really close to the album version. It was almost hard to tell if it was really Live or not. But I'm sure it was Live. The song finished up quickly, and before we know it, we have Jon Evans on Bass and Matt Chamberlain on Drums up on stage, with the crowd roaring, waiting for Tori to come out.
Tori walks onto the stage and the audience is screaming with joy.
A Sorta Fairytale
After seeing Tori perform this on Letterman and on Regis & Kelly, I wasn't really excited about hearing this one Live. But she did do the extra verse, and it just seems like she is so much better with a Live Tori audience than a television audience. The song was great.
When I heard the first keys on the piano, I knew immediately that it was indeed Sugar. I turned to Kelly and smiled, and then Tori stopped and crossed her legs and was storytelling how she could help the men get their "lights up". She's so cute when she goes into improv's. She's always so lady-like in storytelling, but then in singing, she says it like it is. I just love the contrast. Sugar is probably one of my all time favorite Live songs, so hearing this for my 3rd time was just fine with me! *does the hammering notion against the piano*
Little Amsterdam
Good performance of the song. Can't complain about the performance. Not a favorite song of mine, and plus this is the 3rd time I've heard this song also, so I dunno. Just really wished she had pulled out some other girl to play than Little Amsterdam, but it seems she likes to perform it in the South, because it has a very southern feel to it.
This is my 3rd favorite song from Tori's new album Scarlet's Walk. I pretty much figured I'd hear it since Tori performed it in Tampa and Melbourne. I used Kelly's binoculars to see Tori's facial expressions during this song. The piano lines in this song are very gothic to me. The lyrics are very Tori to me, and hearing Tori perform it was wonderful. I said I ordered you a pan-caKUHHHHH.
The first of a series of Venus songs that came out in Atlanta. Concertina with the band is very fluid. Moves very well. I was glad to finally hear this one Live.
Caught a Lite Sneeze
It seems that I've really gotten closer to this song in the recent year. I've always kinda just been passive to this song, because I knew it was a hit single. I tend to go for the more obscure girls, but this one, has like been adopted. Hachoo. Been sneezing a lot in the past few years, and now I think I have the flu...in a good way. The performance with the band was right on lastnight. Very enjoyable to listen to. It's best with the band.
A very cute song. This got the audience in a good mood. I enjoyed singing along to this song. Just wish it was longer!
Mrs. Jesus
Kelly and I don't really care for this song, but the band seems well-practiced on performing this song.
I think I've heard Crucify at every Tori show I've been to. This version is up there with the Crucify 99 version. I was thinking during the performance of how in Atlanta last year she was doing her "Scarlet" improv, and here we are a year later, and she's doing the On Scarlet's Walk Tour and performing Crucify. Very neat how things turn out in the end. This version was great, just like how Pianoguy said, I really enjoyed the techno/drum loop that was played. Sounded very slick and sexy.
Off the stage went Jon and Matt Chamberlain.
Down came the RoadSide Cafe sign..in red lettering on a white lit up background to the right above Tori's Bosie.
Secret Time--
When I heard this intro, I was kinda thinking this was going to be Flying Dutchman, but it turned into what was Mother. I had a feeling from the morning that she was going to do a Little Earthquakes song during the solo time, and she did. Kelly and I heard Mother in New Orleans last year, when Kelly's mom was still alive but sick, and now that Kelly's mom has passed, there's been another full circle of events that leaves us at another familiar breaking point with Tori. A very emotional performance, that made Kelly and I very emotional. Probably the highlight of the concert overall for everyone.
Not the Red Baron
One of my favorites from Boys for Pele. They had the pilot plane propellers as the background lights on the wall. I was thinking that it should have been played back to back to back with ICSNY and Spring Haze, for the whole plane theme. A very great solo performance. It met my expectations of the song Live. A definite favorite of mine from the night! So glad that I finally got to hear it.
Famous Blue Raincoat
Leonhard Cohen covered at its best. Tori does a great version of this song. I heard her do it in New Orleans 2001, but hearing it again was still great. Kelly enjoys it.
Jon and Matt come back on stage and power up the cafe with some plugged action.
I've become such close friends with Strange in the past two weeks. I really really have bonded with this song more than I ever expected to. It seemed natural for Tori to perform Strange lastnight, and I'm glad she did. The lyrics of the song are the RIGHT NOW of my life. I feel only part of it when I can play it Stranger...mmmm!
Kelly and I had a major brain fart. The intro to this song sounded really dark, and I was thinking...oh wow, Tori's going to do Suede! But no it was Bliss. Kelly wanted to hear Bliss again, and so I am glad she performed it. I think this is a great Live song for the band and Tori to do.
Scarlet's Walk
If you have paid any attention to my posts at all on the forumz, you know that this is my favorite SW song, and so I was quite quite pleased to say the least, when Tori went into "Leaving Terra." I agree it is more emotional solo from the European radio promo performances, but I felt lucky to have heard it Live, since the FL people didn't get to. Sounded great with the band. I didn't cry like I thought I would, but it was very meaningful to me still.
Tear in your Hand
I think this is a favorite song from the majority of the people at the civic center lastnight. The audience seemed to be really into it. I felt zoned out. I wasn't really into it. I've heard it before. I remember Tori singing "time to wave goodbye", and this girl in front of me is waving bye to Tori.....I'm like...it's not even close to saying goodbye yet....we have a few songs to go.
Take to the Sky
Second time to hear this, but hearing this with the band was a great treat. Tori was doing her hand slap on the Bosie's front, and getting the crowd involved in the song's beat. I think my boyfriend Jon really enjoyed this one. Gotta love some b-sides!
I Can't See New York
Pretty predictable to hear this song, if you have paid attention to the FL sets. This song was WONDERFULLY done. I enjoyed Tori's playing on the different keyboards during this song. The lighting was wonderful. Had what looked like lightning strikes or breaks in clouds as the backdrop and purple. I think this was another favorite highlight of the show for me. Matt and Jon Evans seemed to really like playing this song.
Spring Haze
The natural afterthought for ICSNY. The plane theme continues...engine cessna....here we go for a haunting performance of the 3rd Venus song of the night. Tori's vocals were loud and filled with fire. The most intense moment was the ending with the fade out of her vocals, and the lights facing out directly on her. Waiting for Sunday to drowwwwwwwnnnnnnnn *lights fade out as does her vocals as she reaches back with her arms*
Encore One:
"Oh No She Didn't!"....yeah, I was on the verge of blowing my brains out on this one. I mean how many times Tori, can you play this song at my shows? Can you say every fucking time?! I mean it was kinda comical, because I have been bitching about this before, and here she goes and does it again, just to spite this one and only fan--me.....LOL! But seriously.....I so wish she'd perform some other song than this one........can we say play Hotel or Virgina? *rolls eyes constantly during performance* Five times! ugh! Bham 98, Atlanta 99, Atlanta 01, New Orleans 01, and now Atlanta 02. Enough is Enough. Ok, so I'll say the crowd loves this one Live, and the band does well with Tori on it.
My favorite song from To Venus and Back. The 4th Venus song of the night. Not complaining. I love the Remember Remember Remember background vocals added in on this version and the sound effects and the band's contribution to the song bring the song back to life as if it were being taped for the studio version. Just gorgeous!
Sweet Sangria
Kinda felt that Sweet Sangria was going to come after she performed Concertina (between the 1st and 40th drink of some sweet sangria). Nikki told me earlier that this song was her favorite, so I'm glad that Tori did it. It's one of my favorites too. So groovy and dark with the bass-lines.
Encore Two:
In the Springtime of His Voodoo
After hearing the mp3 from the Tampa show's performance of Voodoo, I knew that this was it, as soon as Tori opened it with the vocals. I think a lot of the audience was surprised that she was doing this song. I heard a lot of surprised screams coming from everywhere. I love this Live! Glad that an obscure song like this has gotten a makeover and is getting wined and dined these days.
Hey Jupiter (Dakota Version)
Unfortunately, Hotel and Virginia never made an appearance, and when Tori started in on Hey Jupiter, I knew it was the end of the show. I was kinda depressed about it, but I was trying to still enjoy the last song. Hearing the Dakota version of this song is something I thought would never happen, and I'm so glad to see that Tori has taken notice that the toriphile community really adore this version much more than the Pele version. I had flashbacks during the performance of the Hey Jupiter video....of the little girl and the fire.
When the song finished, I was like Jon , Kelly! let's go...and Jon's like, are you sure this is the last song, and I'm like yeah! I had to piss, so I was ready to get out of there! We got out, and got on the road. Said goodbye to darlin' Scarlet, and made our pilgrimage back to Birmingham...in the heavy rains, lightning, and thunder.
From Josh:
I went to the Tori show in Atlanta on November 10th, and it was *amazing.* This was my first Tori concert, and i had been preparing for it for a while. I bought 2 boots from each of Tori's last 3 tours, and listened to them repeatedly. I thought that i was ready...i had no idea what i was in for! So i left Birmingham around 9:00 my time, and got to the Civic Center at around noon Atlanta time. I could see a small crowd at the back, so i knew that must be the meet and greet. I walked up and kinda stood towards the back (keep in mind, this was my first concert) and waited to see Tori. (I was the dark black headed guy in the cargo pants and red Old Navy sweatshirt pullover.) I waited and waited and waited. I ended up getting to the barriers, and as soon as i was up there, they repositioned them and me and everyone else who had been there all afternoon got pushed to the back. needless to say, i didn't get to meet Tori (hell, i didn't even get to see her.) So i walked around the Center, because they still weren't letting people in, and i ended up chatting with two guys (a really cute couple) and they were showing me pictures that they had of Tori, and the autographs that they got. One thing i did notice was there were *a lot* of fairly rude people. I'd never been to a Tori concert, and from what i had read, i expected everyone to be really nice and talkative, but not a lot of people even looked at me... i guess my expectations were too high. Anyhow, they finally let us in at around 7:15, so it was like a mad-dash to get souvenirs, and by the time i had gotten mine, the opening act Howie Day had already begun. I went and got my seat (row X behind the soundboard) and sat down. I had a perfect view of the stage, and i was waiting for Tori. An extremely nice girl, whose name i didn't even get, sat next to me. I'm definately glad i sat by her, she was very sweet. We'd try and figure out songs, and then when our favourites would come on, we'd both freak out (especially "Leather," "Sugar", "A Sorta Fairytale", "Tear in your Hand" and "In the Springtime of His Voodoo", which we sang every word too.) Finally, the face with leaves appeared, and the concert began...
not really that much you can say about it...it's just her backstage, singing a cappella, although i don't think she actually sings it...me and the girl next to me saw Tori backstage fixing her hair at the time
after seeing all the TV performances, i was beginning to get a bit disappointed by the song's live version, but this was amazing, and the extra verse makes it even better :-)
definately a highlight, especially the false start, in which Tori introduced us to Benny, obviously a lighting guy, since her light wasn't working. "We seem to be having a bit of a moment," she chuckled. Then her and the band did a short little improv about traveling from Melbourne, and Tash wanting to go home - that was amazing! Then they did the actual song...me and the girl next to me debated if it was the 'pussy' version, and sure enough, she sang the line "you're just a pussy, my sweet boy" and we both had the biggest grins on our faces.
i about died when i heard the opening notes to it - i absolutely adore this song, and it was great to hear it my first time around...it was so cute the way when she would since "girl you've got to know these days/which side you're on" and she'd switch from the Wurly to the Bose ;-)
i was a bit surprised to hear this one. I had heard "Juarez" from the 99 Tour and loved it, so i was excited to hear 'Concertina', one of my favourites from 'Venus.' After the "too far too far too far/it could all get way to cheerful" line it sounded like she sang "oh damn"...kinda cute :-)
i do like this song, but it wasn't one of my favourites until after tonight. it was really good, although i do miss the "growling" from the album version, lol
This is one of the 3 songs i was hoping she'd play, and sure enough, she did - i love this song from the Plugged tour, and although the guitar isn't there, it's still the best :-)
nice little improv before this one, and it's one of my faves from "Scarlet's Walk."
some say that 'Crucify' preceeded "wednesday" but i actually remember it going before "wednesday" because as she was singing "lost in a place called america" the lights went fairly dim and the band began to get up, and the 'Roadside Cafe' sign went up. Nevertheless, this was pretty good, although i found myself getting a bit restless.
i adore this song, and it's even cuter live, although i miss the guitar during the bridge - does anyone even know why Tori and Caton don't work together anymore?
*secret time*
i love this song, and was so thrilled she played it. it's so cool how she incorporated so many older songs into this tour. However, cell phones began ringing, which is really annoying. Kinda shattered my mood for the song, but oh well.
not one of my favourites, but i like this version better than the 'Pele' version. The propellers being projected against the wall was nice too.
one of my favourite Tori covers, and i was thrilled to hear this one live.
*band returns*
i love this song, and the chorus was especially good this time around.
definately a highlight. she was really into it, and apparently, so was the crowd. A couple of people got up in front of the soundboard and began dancing, and it wasn't until the next song that security even stopped them. It was a bit distracting, and it even seemed like Tori was looking at them for quite a bit.
Good song, fair performance. Stayed true to the album version, but nevertheless, i was glad to hear it.
oh my God, i love this song, and i died when i heard it play! It was especially good tonight, compared to the times on the boots i heard it. Definately another highlight.
Great performance, and i honestly don't see why people are getting so pissed off about clapping. I mean, Tori seemed to enjoy it, she even slapped the piano herself!
haunting, especially when the other instruments kicked in, and broken glass was projected on the screen, and slid up the theatre walls. Very good.
good to follow ICSNY up with. As she sang the last "Waiting for sunday to drown" she lifted up her hands, leaned back, and the lights went dim.
*encore 1*
i love this song, and i love the live performance of it. I know people get tired of hearing her play it, but if the girl wants to play it, let her!
very good, and the noises in the background made it even more interesting.
i loved the way she switched from the Rhodes/Wurly to the piano at the chorus, and the song kicks ass anyway :-)
*encore 2*
2nd of 3 songs i'd waited for (the third was "Putting the Damage On"...) This is such a sassy song, and i was relieved to see other guys around me singing it as well, because i was singing every word (esp. the 2 cute guys behind me, lol) the girl next to me enjoyed this one as well...we spent forever trying to figure out if it was "voodoo" and sure enough, Tori began to croon "voooodooooo"
this was the dakota version, and people around me began to cry because they realized it was the last song. I however already knew because some rude man behind me had binoculars and was reading the setlist off to his wife...thanks a lot buddy (everyone around me was irritated by this as well.) It was still beautiful anyway.
I definately enjoyed this concert, and i did meet some great people. (i spent a little more than $100 on merchandise, lol - hey, it's my first Tori show, i *had* to get everything) ;-) If anyone i met or just anyone in general who went to the concert want to chat my email address is 'hereinmyhead15@hotmail.com' so i'll be willing to chat anytime. I'm hoping she'll come around to Birmingham in '03, i'd love to see her again!
From Alisha Parker:
I was very nervous the day of the show seeing as I had backstage passes from the RAINN auction and was to meet Tori afterwards. I met up with my dear friend Mikewhy, his girlfriend Amanda, and my also dear friend Ashley (whom split the auction with me). It began to get cold really quickly and Ashley and I had to wait until 20 minutes before showtime to pick up our tickets and passes at Will-Call. I was already shaking as we went up the long stairs to the box office and Ashley was too when she signed for everything. We almost cried when we saw our tickets were front row of the pit, dead center.
We put our passes on, took a bathroom break, and I wandered down to our seats while Ashley checked out the merchandise. My seat ended up being the one right in front of Tori. During the intermission, I found out to my delight that my friend Dor would be sitting to my left during the show. I began to get antsy and very excited once the scent of sage began seeping throughout the auditorium.
Here are my notes--as written during the long drive to Fairfax:
1.) Wampum Prayer--Sung from offstage. Her voice was strong and clear. This was when the wild and amazing part of the night began. I was in awe over being right in Tori's line of sight and being able to put my foot against the stage and feel it vibrate. Very powerful. Lots of eye contact between Tori and I. All quite surreal.
2.) a sorta fairytale--By now the sweet smell of sage was wafting through the air. Tori came out, bowed, then walked to the Bosey. She was wearing a pink flower in her hair and had on a flowy white top with cut outs over it and beige high heels. Lots of colorful lights during this song. I teared up when she reached, "feel out the summer breeze"--hand gesticulations and all.
3.) Improv/Sugar--The improv started whe one of the monitors to her side would not stay up. She quipped light-heartedly and while it was being fixed, launched into an improv (which the band eventually joined in on) about how hard it must be for guys to "keep it up, baby." Sugar was all things powerful. The Bosey and Tori's voice were exceptionally clear during the "I know..." middle section. At the end, it seemed as though she would keep going forever with the high register vocalizations. After the song was over, Tori had a "chat" with us and mentioned how she always loves coming to Atlanta and that "Scarlet's seed was planted here"--to which the audience roared.
4.) Little Amsterdam--First debut of the night. Half was played on the Rhodes and half on the Bosey. She did the complete bridge and repeated the "round and around" section at least two extra times to everyone's delight. She was so incredibly into it and I took in every focused detail.
5.) Pancake--Odd I didn't recognize what this was at first. Her voice showed remarkable range at the ends of the chorus. All of it was played on the Rhodes exceopt for the bridge, which was played on the Bosey. I remember smirking at how weirdly she sand "ordered."
6.) Caught A Lite Sneeze--The drums gave this away and I was so happy to be able to hear and see it from so close up. The piano work was especially intricate and better than any previous versions I had heard. I delighted in watching her hands rapidly flowing across the keys. She kept strong eye contact with me during the "dreamed a little dream" part.
7.) Mrs. Jesus--Just from the opening chords and improv, I knew what this would be. I was so happy to hear it seeing as it is my third favorite song on the record, behind "Gold Dust" and "Scarlet's Walk." Lots of Tori smiles during the improv and when she sang "climbing up the stairs" she shut her eyes and it seemed like it was perhaps emotionally painful for her to sing that line, for whatever reason.
8.) Wednesday--Dor and I laughed when she began this. It was pure fun and Tori was totally having a ball. Lots of cheshire cat grins. We all made our tiny hand motions during "the eagle has to land" in homage to the drag queen Dor encountered at one of the first shows who made huge motions complete with noises. "Pluck up the courage and snap, it's gone again" was the best. Her voice was so expressive.
9.) Crucify--LONG.
10.) Mother--What a surprise. The "Roadside Cafe" portion of the show was full of emotional and somewhat sad songs. Tori seemed to have trouble getting the last lines out and looked as though she was about to cry. It was beautiful. Ashley sat next to me, sniffling, as it is her all-time favorite song.
11.) Not the Red Baron--I almost passed out from shock when I saw the red propellers on the screen, underscored by the powerful bass line chords. I cried. This was the first Tori song I ever fell in love with, oddly enough, and aside from planes falling from the sky all I could think of was all those days when that song exemplified my life and held a dear place for me.
12.) Famous Blue Raincoat--By the little intro, we all thought it was "Doughnut Song" until she launched into "Four in the morning..." Backlit by soft blue light, she looked almost angelic. Just when I thought I had no tears left, she sang "What can I tell you, my brother, my killer? What can I possibly say?" and I lost it. That's when it sank in--all of this was meant to be.
13.) Strange--The boys came back and in my opinion this song works better live than on the album. However, it seemed way too short. "Strange, what I will leave behind..."
14.) Bliss--The electronic swirling noises gave this one away. Lots of colorful lights and the band exploded at the chorus.
15.) Scarlet's Walk--All of us in the front row seemed to know what this was from the opening drumbeats and we found confirmation when we heard the familiar "leaving terra." This song is incredibly powerful live, especially the "I will follow her on her path" portion. I had known she would play this in Atlanta and it was as hauntingly gorgeous as I had imagined it would be.
16.) Tear In Your Hand--Big smiles between Tori and I here. She was grinning up a storm.
17.) Take To The Sky--This song needed the band, badly. It added a whole new dimension to it. Tori included her slapping of the Bosey and made cute motions during "take it, take it, take it boys." Interesting hand motions and bouncing up and down on the seat during "have a seat while I take to the sky" and also the ending of the song when she kept repeating "take to..."
18.) i can't see New York--Started bathed in flourescent purple lights. Sound abounded when the band came crashing in. The backdrop lighted up with images of clouds. Heartbreaking looks on Tori's part and phenominal playing at the chorus.
19.) Spring Haze--I knew this one was coming. White, white clouds (different than the ones used before) on the backdrop. I think it totally hit me with full force during this song that I was going to meet her very soon. Nevertheless, I became more intent than ever on absorbing every detail and nuance. At the end of the song, she came to the edge of the stage and headed right for me, leaned down, took my hands in hers and squeezed them. It was strange considering I didn't even have my hands reaching up like everyone else's. Immediately afterwards she ran offstage. I remember thinking of how her hands were so warm and mine so cold.
20.) Leather--The one song I did not particularly care to hear. I appreciate the piano solo even more having been front row to see it so close. Tori was very playful, crossing her legs at points.
21.) Lust--Very delicate. Drums really complimented it. The vocals were sweet and the ending with solo piano was almost thunderous.
22.) Sweet Sangria--This was on my "want to hear" list. With no guitar there was an interesting shift in the chorus. The ending blew me away--even more so live than on the record. Alive with passion. --------
23.) In The Springtime of His Voodoo--When Tori came back out, we took the 1/2 a step up to the stage and I stood pressed against it with fingers drumming atop. I almost danced. Tori was really grooving and looked extremely happy. The "every road leads back to my door" section was repeated several times and seemed to take on a life of its own. Wonderful with the band. (Note: Tori followed the setlist entirely except for substituting "Amber Waves" for this song.)
24.) Hey Jupiter--The "Dakota" version with the band. She sang the entire background lyrics and the ending seemed a bit extended. I knew that would be the final song and in a few minutes we would be escorted to meet her, and it was magical, in one word.
It was a magical night.
For privacy's sake I do not wish to go into the details of my meeting with Tori backstage except to say that she is every bit as kind and sweet as other people rave about. Her security guys and entire staff are very friendly, helpful, and nice as well. The only other thing I wish to note is that I did ask her to play "Gold Dust" for me in Fairfax, Sunday night backstage, and being the wonderful person she is, she "learned it" again and fulfilled my request.