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North American Plugged '98 Tour
Check Out The Reviews And Set Lists Page Tori performed in San Diego, CA on September 26, 1998 at the San Diego State Open Air Theatre during the main North American leg of her Plugged '98 tour. ![]() Set ListTori performed Mother, Flying Dutchman and Sister Janet solo. Special thanks to Seth Peterson & Sara Adamson for being the first to email me the set list. ![]() Precious Things 1st Encore: 2nd Encore: |
![]() ReviewsThe most recently added reviews are first. From Dan Walsh (Posted to the RDTRN mailing list)October 2, 1998 - I haven't seen the reviews posted about the San Diego show, and if you were there, let me know. I do have a few comments about some things, though. Well, without giving a play by play of what songs she did, it was a pretty kick ass, although short show. Devlins were pretty kewl.... and the place had great seats wherever you sat, although the rain didn't look like it was going to hold out. Luckily, the rain faeries (vs the RAINN faeries) were with us that night. As far as the show goes, definitely different from the shows in the past (This is the first "plugged" show I've seen her do), and I think that the band is pretty underrated as musicians. They were real good and versatile, compared to some other bands I've seen before. I mean, from their standpoint, it's a job (and with Tori's schedule, I can't imagine them being too happy with it) but they did great. It was like the good ol' fashioned ROCK shows that I grew up on, fog, lights, and all (what else would you expect from a Zep head). But hearing "Precious Things" as the opening song was really kewl. Some things I was surprised to hear, though... Sabbath's "Sweet Leaf"? Also heard Mother and Tear in Your Hand live for the first time. And she said that she was doing Father lucifer for the first time with the band, it sounded good for a first time off....I do hope that she keeps the band around for a while, it definitely changed the whole show around. I'm sure it's a risk, but she's an artist, and if artists do the "trademark" songs, (No Winter or Me and a Gun, surprisingly) it gets stale. But I was surprised that she didn't do Jackie's Strength or Spark, but did Raspberry Swirl as far as the "hits" go. She did put down the midwest as being a boring place, and wanted us west coasters to bring out some guacamole and wine for the trip.... But anyways, had a great time, was as good as the first time I saw her in Boston in '94.... I was also at the meet and greet that afternoon, and I have a few complaints about how it turned out to those who organized it, reading this.... If you were at the Meet and Greet, write me back... There were about 60 people there, and if the numbering system had gone as planned, it would have been great. I was lucky to get an autograph, because someone passed my copy of Rolling Stone up, but there were some people who didn't get ANYTHING SIGNED!!! The numbering system went out the window real fast when the time came. What the hell happened? Most of the people were either jsut gawking at her, or snapping a million photos, but didn't give the other people a chance to go up to the gate. The good thing is that it was a pretty cool crowd, but please move so the other people can go up. I mean, there weren't that many people there to begin with. But Tori is really cool with the crowd, definitely a people person, and authentic about it. But I can imagine it in the larger cities, and how the security gets. But all in all, it went pretty smooth, except for people not moving. Good try on the crowd control, though, at least it was attempted!!! ![]() From (someone who did not give her/his name!)September 28, 1998 - The show is definitely different than the Dew Drop Inn tour. Being I didn't see her any other time live, this time around or last time around, I don't have much of a range to decide on the "joy' scale. Ý But, it was a great show with fabulous music. She played a lot of songs and hit at least one song per album except YKTR, but that's okay. :) I especially loved Putting The Damage On and Sister Janet. Ý Besides the other comments from people who went, the light show was an element that needed getting used to. It was either blinding or beautiful. The glittering disco ball made the end of the last encore feel magical. The South Park dolls were cute to see. I knew coming in that Kenny would be around. I felt like it was a game of "Spot Kenny!" which I found him right next to Matt Chamberlain. Then I eventually noticed Mark Hawley and Marcel Van Lim... whatever his last name is, in front of me with their little toys. I'm glad they got rid of the tarp. It was a slight view obstruction, which allowed the nice Red jacketed Event STAFF guy to give better tickets (eg DD or better) to people who were sitting in the garden section right in front of Mark and Marcel. Unfortunately, I wasn't in the row that qualified for new seats. Ý Other than the lights being an occasional annoyance, the only sucky part was when the band drowned out what Tori was singing. I missed so many vocals. They just were eaten up by the other music. Ý I kind of wished for more "solo" time or less loud "adding to the mix" time. POTD was neat because the guys were like icing on a beautiful wedding cake. When it got loud, it's like you forgot what was underneath. Ý OHOH! My boyfriend was guessing the light sabers swirling around before they came on stage where either the guys or Tori pretending to be Luke Skywalker. They were on the left side of the off-stage area. Ý I almost fell over when she played Sister Janet. It was so blueish that I thought of the part in the song where she sings ... about the wizards being black and white... and then Marianne. Though during one song, I can't remember which, they were using purple, green, and some other color of light for background. I instantly thought of Barona (and Prop 5) Casino, an Indian casino out in the San Diego area, it's kind of their signature colors. It made the song and lights, a little more special. Ý My only other wish for this night would have been Horses, God, or Merman. But I was so so so so so so happy with all the songs they played, all the dancing Canton did (getting down with his bad self), Matt's unpenetrable intense-ness and his oil (?) drum/can, and Jon always looks in another world full of content and something only he knows. ![]() From Christopher GilmerSeptember 28, 1998 - Hey there! After reading the other reviews of Tori's Sep. 26 San Diego show, I thought I could offer some interesting tidbits: A friend (and LiveToriVirgin) and I drove from LA to see the San Diego show. I thought I was going to miss this tour (having seen 1 LE show, 3 UTP shows and 1 BFP show), but he surprised me by buying tickets at the last minute. TORI ROCKED!!! BIG-TIME!!! In fact, only my first Tori show (for LE, at a tiny venue in San Juan Capistrano, where I sat directly in her siteline with my elbow resting on the stage) could beat this one! PRECIOUS THINGS was unbelievable!!! You could feel the energy coarsing through the crowd... IIEEE was high on my Choirgirl-live wish list, and it blew me away. MOTHER opened with these amazing beams of white light focused on Tori. It was like they were radiating out from her, creating an (ironic) Virgin Vision. I thought PUTTING THE DAMAGE ON was actually better than the album version. She began it solo, then the lights went up on the band as they joined in. It was so moving I got chills. When TEAR IN YOUR HAND started, I went crazy! I mean, stark raving mad! My absolute favorite, I was desperately hoping to hear this one. Thanks, Tori! The first encore, SHE'S YOUR COCAINE and RASPBERRY SWIRL, almost finished me off. It fucking ROCKED!!! Even though I was exhausted when all was said and done, it took me hours to come down from this incredible Tori-induced high... Believe me, YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS TOUR!!! ![]() From Erin DolllSeptember 28, 1998 - This is part of Erin's review. You can read the entire thing and more reviews from her on her web page she finally showed up..and i dunno..i just got really sad. i kept thinking, hi, this is it. it took her quite some time to get over. when she got to david he hugged her, took another picture, asked about lucifer and just, told her how much fun he'd had on the tour and all that stuff..which kinda choked me up. She got in front of me and started signing things. i'll never forget she was looking down signing a rolling stone, and while she was looking down said 'hi erin how are you?' and i was just like 'pretty good and you?' 'im good' hah. anyhow..god what did i say. i said 'thank you so much for alamo the other night, it meant so much to me and it was really beautiful' and i'll never forget her just staring intently into my eyes while i said all that. she was looking just, RIGHT into my eyes...she said 'oh your very welcome, and i'm glad you liked it..vegas was a lot of fun' and she signed my set list with an actual normal looking heart. Then i said 'tonight is my last show and..its just been really great..pretty much everything that david just said' because at that moment i started to choke up and i felt the tears coming and i didnt want to cry, and then she reached up and just gave me this really tight hug. she started to move on and i asked her if i could get one last picture with her, and she told me to hold on and then came over and took it....the second baracade was really far away, so i look like im leaning funny..but it was really emotional and sad. during the M&G jason gave tori a little 'realistic dream set list' that the west coasters had signed. and we didnt think she give it much thought...well this is what our dream set list was: Precious Things - Little Amsterdam - Black-Dove (January) - Caught A Lite Sneeze - iieee - Liquid Diamonds - Mother - Flying Dutchman - Purple People - Tori's Choice - Father Lucifer - The Waitress - 1st Encore: - She's Your Cocaine - Raspberry Swirl 2nd Encore: Hotel - Sister Janet now go read the actual set list. uhuh. onto the show. when the lights went down people stood up to the stage. so we climbed over the seats, so i was i suppose second row..i was right behind people on the rail, and i could for the most part see tori just fine. the second the lights went down i was bawling, nick was bawling, and david was bawling. the three of us are just like racked with sobbs all through precious things. the people in front of us kept giving us funny looks...we were just, bawling. I think we were the only west coasters in the front - the only ones she could really see. By Sneeze we had realized that she was doing our setlist, and we were totally excited and touched by that. I'm not sure which song it was...it was either before Black Dove or Sneeze that tori looked at us and waved and said, something like 'this is our last show in california' and at that point, david and nick and i just kinda screamed out these dramatic sobs, and she looked at us with a sad look on her face and rubbed her finger to her cheek like she had a tear on it too..and she basically told us that we should go with her to the midwest because theyre boring or something. hah. it was really funny but made us cry a lot. She just looked at us a LOT during the shows, when we were crying she gave us these really sad looks that made it worse - but by liquid diamnds i was all cried out, and i couldnt cry anymore..and then i started to look happy, and she was flashing huge grins at us. [the crowd was obnixious] flying dutchman was beautiful. when she started the familiar notes we all went wild and started screaming. we were SO AFRAID she wouldnt do it. She was so into it..i dont think she saw him, so she'd look off into space with this HUGE grin on her face..it was really long..she did the background vocals for him..all i remember was 'hide your head' and she did some of runnin' up that hill in it. totally wonderful. tear in your hand got to me because of the 'wave goodbye' part. Father lucifer made david absolutley giddy and she messed up in the middle and said something like 'i dont remember the lyrics to this part..' it was cute and i was happy for david who had been asking her since eugene :] For cocaine the guy in front of me asked me if i wanted to stand in his spot and i was TOTALLY grateful and touched that he offered me his spot on the rail. it meant just like, tons to me. I totally dig cocaine live now..i just love the black sabbath part. its so rockin. And i was making faces at caton and he kept laughing at me and that made me happy...i kinda wanted to say goodbye to each person i had any type of communication with, and i felt like i did with caton at that moment. Swirl was totally fun and i cried a little at that one realizing it wasmy last time dancing to it, because thats probably my favorite part of the show. nick kept playing with my head and making it dance. haha. then she came out and did sister janet which made nick bawl again and she kept smiling at him and it was really beautiful, and then she did hotel. and we were floored. she was gone. bye bye. kaput. when she left we walked over and said our goodbyes to everyone. I've never hugged so many people and meant it in my entire life. i hugged like, evereyone. Sary and Michael had the most comforting hugs. It was really nice, and made me even sadder...but ended the perfect sad evening, to the perfect and magical 3 week experience. i'm gonna miss that darn tori amos, and everything that goes alone with her and the shows. thank you tori. thank you awesome crew members for taking the time to smile at me, thank you band members for waving little hellos, thank you fans for being assholes, thank you fans for being wonderful. Thank everything for every little elemnt of every show. i had the fucking time of my life. remember, thats just fragments, it sounds much better coming from the entire story, but its long..soo ![]() From Carol GatesSeptember 28, 1998 - Well its been awhile since last night. But I remember the entire night. So here it goes. The Devlins we're OK,but I was a friend of mine ,and myself were just really anxious for Tori. Then after an hour of waiting the band came on, and then there was Tori , and the crowd went crazy! A review of the setlist: Precious Things: Peter(my friend was hoping for this one,and he got it) and I just looked at each other and screamed out YES!!. An excellent version of this song,and it sounds so much better with a band. Love the Girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl part. Little Amsterdam- She played a little bit of Cornflake Girl in the beginning which was really cool, other than that it was different ,but the night got better. Black Dove/January- I love the interchange between the keyboard and the Bosendorfer,that was really neat. Caught A Lite Sneeze: My curiousity has been satisfied ,I love the piano version of this song, I miss the harpsichord, but that's OK. Iiee-The improv when she sang "God you stole my little girl" gave me the chills. Liquid Diamonds-Wasn't expecting this one,but I loved it just the same. -Secret Time- Mother- At this point Peter gave me a hug and and said " She's playing Mother,Oh my God she's playing Mother" Flying Dutchman - My favourite Bee side ,and she played it. It was so cool The band came back on again and they went into ... Putting the damge On- Very jazzy. That was the best part about :-) Tear in Your Hand- Peter and I were swaying along. I had to sing along, if I annoyed anyone of you at the show I'm sorry. Father Lucifer- She was so funny when she hit the second verse she said"I fucked up ,but that's ok ,because I make them up anyway" Very cool,and the band added to the effect. The Waitress- Very long and drawn out. I loved it!! Encore I- She's Your Cocaine- I love this song ,and I'm glad she played,another delightful surprise. Raspberry Swirl- OK ,so there was no leopard outfit, but it was so cool anyway. Peter and I started dancing. I scared someone. Again sorry for being overly enthusiastic. Encore 2- Sister Janet- One word- beautiful Hotel- I like this live. A different taste to the dinner party,but its a very good taste. Closing Comments- Tori has found the punk rock girl in her, and has decided to drink margaritas with her, that is so cool. Overall it was a great concert, and I want to go again. ![]() From JoseSeptember 27, 1998 - This was my third and last show on this tour. I must say that the San Diego show was the best for me, compared to Anaheim and the first night at The Greek. Putting the Damage On and Tear In Your Hand made the 2 hour drive from L.A. worth it. Father Lucifer was a nice treat as well. Another reason why it was so good for me was because I had really good seats this time... 4th row. I was so excited when I got there and found out how close to the stage we were. During the show she said that this was her last California show and that they were going to be spending a long time in the Midwest. She invited all us to go see her over there but "make sure you bring some wine and guacamole." I thought that was kind of cute. Seeing her three times on this tour gave me the chance to hear everything on Choirgirl live... except Playboy Mommy, which I was kind of disappointed about. But that's OK. I really got some good treats from her at all three shows. For anyone out there who hasn't seen Tori yet on this tour. YOU HAVE TO GO!!!! It's amazing. ![]() From Mike JonesSeptember 27, 1998 - I just wanted to let you know something I don't recall reading about. I'm sure I'm not the only one who noticed this, but Tori *does* in fact play about 2 or 3 bars of Black Sabbath's "Sweet Leaf" during She's Your Cocaine live. (At least she did last night here in San Diego...don't know if she always does this?) Since I'm a huge Sabbath fan I was floored, needless to say... ![]() From AnthonySeptember 27, 1998 - This was my first Tori show ever and I am damn sure it won't be my last. I have waited since I first bought Little Earthquakes 6 years ago to see her in concert and for one reason or another I couldn't make it. Well the wait was over and last night it was well worth the wait. The concert was both a magical and spiritual experience for me. This is a show that you must surrender yourself to and just enjoy every moment of it! The she played "Tear In Your Hand," I had a feeling was indescribable. As they were during the rest of the concert. I laugh, I cried, and was completely swept away. I have never been to a live show of a performer that has done that to me before. After the show I had a chance to get an autograph and a picture with her. I can't tell you how I felt afterwards...I climbed the stairs of heaven and touched the face of a goddess. I felt her magick and I have been changed forever. ![]() From BrandonSeptember 27, 1998 - well, ive been listening to tori since her first video aired on MTV.. but i didnt get into her big time until Pele and at that point i didnt go to concerts so i missed her dew drop in tour. well, my schedule during this tour made sure that id miss all the shows but the San Deigo show, so i was determined to get there. well, i did and boy was it worth it!! Tori is simply amazing.. there is now way to discribe her stage presence, to hear her live is to bring whole new meaning to her CD's.. i was so awe struck that i nearly cried.. i am nearly crying now as i type this and reflect upon the show. She played some of my favorite songs Caught a Lite Sneeze, The Waitress (which ROCKED) iieee and others.. all i can truly say is a heart felt "THANK YOU TORI!!!" maybe next time i get to see her, i could meet her.. which is about the only thing that could make seeing her better. again.. simply amazing. ![]() From Daniel RiddingtonSeptember 27, 1998 - i just got back from the San Diego show and it was the best Tori show that i've been to....before i review, i want to stand on the nostalgic soap box for awhile... tonight's crowd gave up super positive vibes. i was up in the contemplative section, with the people who were sitting down. we kept yelling to Tori, telling her that we love her. this was a relief compared to the other shows where people have bitched and moaned about Tori playing a band, Tori playing bigger venues, and about the new fans. yeah, i know that the new fans can be obnoxious, but they have every right to come and see Tori as the old fans do. personally i love Tori playing with a band, and i also still love the quiet time. i think that we, especially the long time fans, need to support Tori, not complain to her. that's all.... the show was undescribable! i was sad that she didn't play that many Boys for Pele songs at the Pond last week, but she sure did tonight. AND she played my favorite Tori song: Putting the Damage On. i was so happy to hear it in the sound check. well, i bet that the set list has already been called or sent in, so i won't send it again. this show was the best, the people were really bonding, and Tori touched us deep, as only she can. ![]() From elaine irishSeptember 27, 1998 - It was a fucking amazing show!!! I can't tell you how wonderful it was to see Tori tonight :) She blew me away...coming out in a black body suit with a light blue/white sparkle wrap...carrying enough stage presence to make Robert Plant jealous. Her band is amazing, the drummer in particular, and I enjoyed watching Tori work with others on stage. I was surprised to hear songs like Mother(she said that she hadn't played it in awhile), Sister Janet and a mind blowing version of Father Lucifer(Tori said that the likelyhood of "Fucking Up" was high)....and even though she forgot the words in the middle, it made the audience stand, scream and dance. :) This was her last date in California, and she asked the audience to follow her and "bring wine and guacamole" with us while she languished in the mid-west. This was a great concert with awe-inspiring music, stage lights,and people........I will go again and again and again and again.......I love you Tori, and keep shaking it.......... ![]() From Sara AdamsonSeptember 27, 1998 - Hi Mike! I have to e-mail you the incredible list from tonight's show in San Diego. Tori rocked!! Precious Things Little Amsterdam Black-Dove Caught a Lite Sneeze Iieee Liquid Diamonds *secret time* Mother Flying Dutchman Putting the Damage On Tear in Your Hand Father Lucifer (!!) The Waitress *first encore* She's Your Cocaine Raspberry Swirl *second encore* Sister Janet (solo!) Hotel The show was so completely unbelievable. My dream set list! Tori was in really high spirits at the meet and greet and tonight was just the same. She was smiling and laughing the whole show. I knew it would be great since it was the last California show, but this was beyond my wildest dreams. ![]() From Seth PetersonSeptember 27, 1998 - quite a few songs had extra verses/lyrics/music my first show, my first meet and greet, my first autograph. won't be my last.... soundcheck was: father lucifer + extra verses for 20 minutes it lasted about 45 minutes. ![]() |
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