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European Plugged '98 Tour
Check Out The Reviews And Set Lists Page Tori performed in Portsmouth, U.K. on May 28, 1998 at the Guildhall during the European leg of her Plugged '98 tour. ![]() Set ListMatt Rees was the first to email me this set list. Black-Dove (January) 1st Encore: Liquid Diamonds 2nd Encore: Baker Baker ![]() ReviewsFrom SkecksiJune 3, 1998 - Hey Mike- I've been meaning to e-mail you ever since I went to the Portsmouth show, but what with one thing and another... I was really pleased she played so much from the new album- Playboy Mommy was my favourite, along with Black Dove which opened the show. I was a little disappointed that the songs she did on Jools Holland sounded just the same- on the Pele tour when she played alone, she could be more flexible over them. It was as if she was reading my mind- though I don't believe for a moment she was! She played all the songs I would have requested, except Jackie's Strength. Baker Baker was the last song, which I desperately wanted to hear live, and she pointed in my general direction, I think at the american girls on the front row who obviously knew the roadies! Incidentally, having 2nd row seats was a definite benefit! When the guy shouted out and asked why she hadn't done any Pele, she asked what Penny was- then came the Margarita crack. There was also a moment in Honey when Caton's guitar gave out an unwelcome bit of feedback, which made her wince. Caton did seem a bit distant from the band, but he had his own moments of interaction with Tori. She was communicating more with the bassist and drummer, who were perhaps more in her line of vision. I thought the band played really well together, and those texas and galaxy choruses in Black Dove kicked in with a swell- having that boosted sound really made the songs come home. I was delighted to hear "Here In My Head" and "Winter", and I thought Putting the Damage on would be ace, but really I missed the brass band from the album. Another disappoitment was that the programmes weren't ready- does any one have the address to get these from? ![]() From Mike SimonJune 2, 1998 - I went to the Portsmouth show and unfortunately missed the pre-show chance to meet Tori, since a guy that works at the venue told me she wouldn't be getting there till 8:45... obvsiouly he was wrong. I had a note for her that included a couple requests, and found her promoter inside the place and he said he'd get it to her. She didn't play either of the songs ('tear in your hand' and 'china') but when I met her after the show she told me she hadn't read any of her letters yet. She was really nice after the show, signing autographs, and spent a good amount of time talking to and hugging a few girls that were in some kind of distress, as someone else said she was doing before the show. As for the show itself, she seemed very into it but didn't say anything spontaneous to the audience except for one time when a guy shouted "give me some 'pele.'" She said "give me some what, honey?," he repeated himself and she said with a sly smile "two seconds... she's in the back having a margarita... this one's for your booty" and then they played rasberry swirl followed by putting the damage on. Also, I was surprised to see the guitarist, Caton, almost separating himself from the tori and the band. There was no interaction between him and Tori, although there was with Tori and the bassist. Someone mentioned to me that before the show Caton was rude to the fans... sounds like jealousy to me, but then I don't know how he usually is since this was my first time seeing them. She did a very intense version of 'Winter' (the first of the two songs she did when the band went off). She took a lot of awkward pauses during the song, as if almost forgetting the lines, but I don't think that was it because one time she did it during the middle of a word. Towards the end of the song, she was obviously choked up and had to whisper some of the lines, which actually made it more effective to me. For me that song was the highlight of the show. ![]() From Matt ReesMay 26, 1998 - I must say the Plugged tour is very different in 'feel' to the previous tours - I think a lot of the normal intimacy was lost with the band, but I came from the gig feeling real up-beat, where as after the Pele gig I just felt really melancholic. Mind you maybe I was soo happy 'cos I got her autograph - and SHE asked ME to take a picture of her and some fans 'cos their camera ran out of film. Anyway, during the autograph / hug session she mentioned that a remix of "Jackie" (I think that's what she said) would be the next American single, and the video is in black and white featuring her dumping a man at the alter. Also she said different countries will be getting different singles. ![]() From Paul WrenMay 29, 1998 - I went to the show last night. My first time at a Tori show and I was stunned. She was quite amazing. The band are so LOUD but her voice soars above them. Wonderful. I Can't give you a full set list I was too much in awe to be able to write! Set was very much like Wolverhampton except she played 'Winter' and 'Here in my Head' during secret time and she didn't play She's your cocaine. Encore was Horses and Baker Baker during which her mascara was running lots. I met her as she arrived at the theatre at around 5:00pm. There was only a small group of fans there. It was very relaxed. She chatted and signed autographs for about fifteen minutes. She signed all four of my CD sleeves. She spent quite a while with a young girl who was very upset over something or other. She hugged her and spoke to her quietly. She was just so nice! ![]() |
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