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Washington D.C. RAINN Bash

Added August 30, 2002

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The Happy Birthday 2002 party for RAINN was held on Friday, August 23, 2002 in Washington D.C. at the Nation. Tori's parents were even there to take part in the festivities! I have a report and photos from the event. Thanks to Alicia Gordon and Lily Matini for sending these photos and descriptions to me! Many of the photos below feature Tori's parents, who were part of this public event!

about the party from Alicia Gordon

Photos (Click to see larger)

From Alicia Gordon:

The first photo shows Alicia Gordon posing with Tori's parents.

From Lily Matini:

Phyllis, Dr. Amos, and Lily Matini in the VIP room at Nation
Dr. Amos, Mrs. Amos, Kelley Bevis (RAINN), Scott Berkowitz (RAINN)

Details About The Event

From Alicia Gordon

I just got back from the RAINN B-day bash in Washington, DC and it was so neat and a true privilege to have gone. The event took place at the nightclub Nation,who were very gracious by donating the space free of charge.

The evening started out with a techno DJ spinning Tori Remix songs with a light show on the dance floor.

Organizers were offering various RAINN memorabilia for sale as well as raffles of various Tori and RAINN merchandise, including autographed t-shirts, books and CDs.

Tori's parents appeared about half-way through the event. This was definitely the highlight for me. The last time I had seen Tori's parents was after a Baltimore show in 1996. I am sad to report that Mr. Amos is now walking with the aid of a cane, but both are still amazingly pleasant, talkative, and quickwitted. I was impressed with the husband and wife's detirmination to meet and speak with as many people as they could. I had the privilege of speaking at length with Mrs. Amos. I found her to be extremely friendly, sweet, and to say Tori is a spitting image of her mother would be an understatement.

The coordinators had arranged for 3 large birthday cakes. The first said "Happy" the second "Birthday" and the last "Tori". Her parents got the first cut of the "Tori" cake, of course. Mr. and Mrs. Amos also donated two autographed pieces of memorabilia for auction with all proceeds to benefit RAINN. These included a Tori Amos autographed lyric book, and the coup de grace, an original record of Tori's 1980 "Baltimore" single, autographed and embossed with her Sword and Stone logo. This was said to be the only one in exsistence.

Tori had a recorded message for the guests at her party, which was played twice. It was a short accapella song that had to do with cake, a birthday, and ended with thank you. It was very touching.

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